New Age
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
The snow is falling silently
The roof outside is almost white
The radio's talking 'bout the fab four
The rooftop concert was their last
All things must end
All things must pass
I think about that strange last year
A new guitar and nine new songs
Grandfather died, father was lucky
The secretary had no chance
All things must end
All things must pass
Forty years ago
They played "Don't let me Down"
And "All I want is You"
"I've got a feeling" inside
That something soon will change
And slowly I realize the new age
The music's over for the news
A thousand more will loose their jobs
Because the stocks keep falling down
The holy country 's burning still
All things must end
All things must pass
And forty years ago…
But I will not complain
I'll take it as it comes
I'll try that I remain to love
But if I had the choice
To keep a single thing
I'd keep the one between the two of us
I think 'bout you and me
I think 'bout you and me
Copyright © 30-01-2009 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, electric guitars, bass, drum arrangement
NewAge.mp3 download Song in medium quality (12 MB)
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
The fever's hunting after me
So many vampires I see
They stare at me with blank, white teeth
So shall I stay or shall I run
Or shall I shoot them with a gun
I have to fight for not to freeze, not to freeze
My cousin brings a sailing ship
He carries it just with his hip
I wonder why he is so strong
An ugly man runs after us
To tell that we shall take the bus
From far away I hear a song, just a song
I do love you
Allthough I know the fever tricks me
I do love you
I try to squeeze you into my fever dreams
Then Darwin tells on the TV
How he has found his theory
Confessing murder was the same
I try to evolute my dream
And force your picture in-between
I hope this trial is not in vain, not in vain
I do love you…
The TV lets a bishop say
that men are ill when they are gay
And then of course this wise, old man
Knows why god sends a hurricane
I'd better dream my fever dreams
The fever's hunting after me
So many vampires I see
They stare at me with blank, white teeth
So shall I stay or shall I run
Or shall I shoot them with a gun
I have to fight for not to freeze, not to freeze
I do love you
Allthough I know the fever tricks me
I do love you
I try to squeeze you into my fever dreams
I do love you
Allthough I know the fever tricks me
I do love you
Allthough I know the fever tricks me
Will you be here then when the fever's gone?
Copyright © 2/2009 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano, ....
Fever.wma download Song in LoFi quality (2MB)
Do We Have To Lose?
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Dark clouds are covering the sky
The sun behind could be a lie
We never miss someone
Until we have to stay alone too long
Do we have to lose something
To understand its real meaning?
Do we have to lose to understand?
You're gone, your voice is in my ear
Much clearer than when you were here
The words you never used to say
Make sense now that you're far away
Do we have to lose something
To understand its real meaning?
Do we have to lose to understand?
I never see the sun
Until the rain has come
I never saw your heart
Until we fell apart
If I had known earlier
I would have talked before
But so it's just the way it is
Copyright © 3/2009 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, guitar, bass, drum-editing
DoWeHaveToLoose.wma download Song in Medium Quality quality (1 MB)
Bookends (Book´s End)
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Page after page chapters fly by
Each word is squeezed through focused eyes
The story unfolds within your head
You long to know how it will end
You just forget the world around
Words turn to pictures, words turn to sounds
Stories create worlds in your mind
You enter places you'd never find
You lose yourself inbetween lines
Which lead you to invented times
Pain disappears in printed words
You're scared of the day the book´s end occurs
The last page comes near and in the end
You feel like you're going to lose a friend
You slow down until the last word is read
You realize bookends are sad
You realize bookends are sad
You realize bookends are sad
Even with happy-ends
Bookends are sad
Copyright © 4/2009 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano
Bookends.mp3 (NOT AVAILABLE YET)
The Sun Will Shine
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Another strike, we're in the street
We try to save our rights against the industry
They make the profits we shall pay
But once the greed will kill them, fear will come to stay
The old are dying day by day
The young ones are the next in line to fade away
But after all in any case
Just let me see a smile in your lovely face
Another strike, we're in the street
We try to save our rights against the industry
The sun will shine even when we all are gone
Our solar friend will be alone
So just lay done with me, let's watch our brother sun
And maybe we'll be memorized
And in a billion years the sun will make a smile
Because the memory to us
Oho, the sun will shine
Oho, the sun will shine
Oho, the sun will shine
The trumpets in the theater
Are playing songs that one day I would like to write
Just brass and vocals form a sound
That makes me shiver like one of our former nights
The weekend in your small, big town
With science makes me happy like a funny clown
Some sonic talks but you're not here
You try to spend your weekends out of town this year
The trumpets in the theater
Are playing songs that one day I would like to write
The sun will shine…
The old are dying day by day
The young ones are the next in line to fade away
But after all in any case
Just let me see a smile in your lovely face
The sun will shine…
Copyright © 5/2009 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, guitar
TheSunWillShine.mp3 download Song in Medium Quality quality (10 MB)
I Won't Cry
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
I won't cry
´Cause you gave me some reasons to believe
No, I won't sigh
Allthough I know that one day you will leave
Oh, don't you realize
That everything I need and everything you need
Is just the little faith we used to have
Oh, don't you realize
That if we don't believe in us we'll be alone
I won't deny
My love for you just because we had some strifes
No, I won't die
Without a thought of thankfullness for life
Oh, don't you realize…
Sit down let's talk about the past
And let me see a smile that's gonna last
The present is our fading friend
The future could be ours in the end
So don't you worry now
'Cause we'll get through somehow
Oh, don't you realize…
I won't cry
´Cause you gave me some reasons to believe
Copyright © 6/2009 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, e-piano, bass, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, drum-programming
IWonTcry.mp3 (1 MByte)
Break The Wall
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Some say what the others shall do
They don't doubt that they could be wrong
No wisdom but power they've got
Unconcerned they believe to be strong
They are sure their rules are the truth
Just to money and stocks they obey
To think of a different world
's far beyond their material way
But there are quite a lot
Who think in different ways
They give us hope at all
In all those harder days
Oh, we all are free
To think our thoughts alone
There is so much love outside for all
Oh, we all can see
When unfair things are done
We can stand up, we can break the wall
Some put economical aims
High above humanity needs
They hire and fire for gold
Burning harvests for high prices indeed
Some say what the others shall do
But all the others are on their own way
Copyright © 7/2009 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, guitar download Song transcription, page 1-7 as Postscript file (1 MB)
BreakTheWall.xps download Song transcription, page 1-7 as X-Postscript file (0.4 MB)
BreakTheWall.pdf download Song transcription, page 1-7 as PDF file (0.4 MB)
BreakTheWall.mp3 not available yet (6.5 MB)
Mi Día De Ayer
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Ayer no fui a ningùn lugar
Estuve en la cama para descansar
Vinieron sueños diferentes
Unos eran divertidos, otras extraños
Entre sueños leì en un libro
Leì, dormì, creì
Pensè en ti
Una frase del libro dijo
Que solò recordamos lo que nunca sucediò
La describciòn perfecta de mi dìa de ayer,
De mi dìa, mi dìa de ayer,
De mi dìa de ayer
Y al final hice un paseo
Para ver el mar, para descansar
Era real, no ningùn sueño
Era suceso real
Entre pasos recordè a mis sueños
Pensè, andè, supe
Soñè contigo
Copyright © 9/2009 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, guitar
MiDiaDeAyer.mp3 not available yet (6.5 MB)
Der Teddybär
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Weißt du noch vor vielen Jahren
als wir beide Kinder waren
du kamst oft zu mir nach Haus´
doch dein Höschen zogst du leider niemals aus
Du wolltest auch nicht mit mehr spielen
andre gab`s, die dir gefielen
Du kamst zu mir nicht wegen mir,
nein, zu mir kamst du wegn dem Kuscheltier
Dem Teddybärn
er war so riesengroß und schwer
Ja, ja der Teddybär
wir alle liebten ihn so sehr
Oh, der Teddybär
Du kamst nur wegn ihm zu mir her
Später als wir dann studierten
saß ich oft allein beim "Wirtn"
Du warst aus mit irgendwem
Ich trank mein Bier um alles zu verstehen
Deine Affärn warn schnell vorbei ich zählte einfach eins, zwei, drei
und schon kamst du her zu mir
und suchtest trost bei meinem Kuscheltier
Dem Teddybärn...
Heute sieht es anders aus
du kommst nicht mehr zu mir nach Haus´
Dein dritter Mann der will das nicht
verlör er doch vor andern sein Gesicht
Und so kannst du heut´ nur noch träumen
vom Teddybärn in deinen Räumen
Und ich weiß dich zieht`s zu mir
Denn du willst her zu meinem Kuscheltier
Dem Teddybärn
er ist so riesengroß und schwer
Ja, ja der Teddybär
wir alle lieben ihn so sehr
Oh, der Teddybär
Oh, der Teddybär
Oh, der Teddybär
Oh, der Teddybär
Du kamst nur wegn ihm zu mir her
Für ihn gäbst du dein Höschen her
Copyright © ~1982 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, guitars
DerTeddybär.mp3 not available yet (6.5 MB)
Dream Your Dreams (Lullaby)
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Aren't you tired, can't you sleep?
Do not dig your mind too deep
Leave the world outside alone
Dream your dreams, create your own
Don't you worry, don't you weep
I am here so fall asleep
Like all stars I'll fade away
But in your mind I'll always stay
The sun is fading
The moon comes with the stars
They are special
as unique as you are
Once you'll meet some know-it-alls
Just forget them when night falls
Don't believe them when they pray
Trust yourself in your own way
The sun is fading
The moon comes with the stars
They are special
as unique as you are
Leave the world outside alone
Dream your dreams, create your own
Dream your dreams, create your own
Copyright © 27/11/2009 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano
DreamYourDreams.mp3 download Song in Medium Quality quality (not available yet)
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
The snow has come back to the roof outside
A crow has left a trace within the white
Another year has just begun
I'm crying for no one
I've heard you talking on the phone again
It seems that sometimes life can be insane
The piano's song can not be sung
It's crying for no one
A Jewish house of wood that never has been built
is standing still although sometimes the water streams in
Friends of mine who live there try to reconstruct
the house and all its memories and all its history
Oho, oh, its history
Oho, oh, its history
Oho, oh, that's history
You `re on my mind although
I should read Kant's imperative
You irritate my thoughts,
but they would need some education:
Disciplination, and cultivation,
socialization, moralization
You 're on my mind although
I know the two of us are history
Oho, oh, we're history
The two of us are history
Oho, oh, we're history
The two of us are history
Aho, ah, ya, ya, ya, ya
The two of us are history right now!
Copyright © 01/2010 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano
History.mp3 download Song in Medium Quality quality (Not available yet)
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Die Sun steht schon gånz tiaf
Die Traurigkeit vafliagt
Mei Freind, die Åmsl vom Balkon
Singt a åltes Liad
Da Mond im Osten woatet schon
Wie gean hätt i di jetzan gspiat
Da Himml leichtet rot
Und Rauch steigt aus an Schlot
I måch an Tee, des Wåssa kocht
Da Frühling is gånz nåh
Die Åmsl singt noch guate Nåcht
Nua du bist leida niama då
I trink noch an Schluck vom Tee
Draußn tropft vom Dåch da Schnee
Da Winta is båld vorbei
Da Frühling kummt, wia i mi gfrei
I bin zum Låchn bereit
Wie gean hätt i mi mit dia gfreit
Des Frühjåhr is schon ganz nåh
Nua du bist niama då
Die Sun steht schon gånz tiaf
Die Traurigkeit vafliagt
Mei Freind, die Åmsl vom Balkon
Singt a åltes Liad
Da Mond im Osten woatet schon
Wie gean hätt i di jetzan gspiat
Die Sun vasinkt in rota Gluat
Die Wölt is jetz im Lot
die Åmsl schlåft wohl a schon guat
Schaust Du jetz a ins Åbndrot?
Copyright © 3/2010 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano
Abndrot.mp3 download Song in Medium Quality quality (NOT AVAILABLE YET)
Tiny Blue Waltz (Vienna is a grumpy old man, they said. But isn`t it more like a tiny blue Waltz?)
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Before Suzanne Vega played "New York is a Woman" in the concert hall of Vienna on the 1st of July 2010,
she asked us what we think about Vienna. Is it more like a woman or man?
And what kind of woman or man is Vienna to us. She gathered some answers from the audience and the final collection was:
"Vienna is a grumpy old man."
After the concert, I walked home and I was thinking about Suzanne's Vienna question. I could not figure out whether Vienna
was a woman or man to me. I tried to think what kind of things I am doing in and around the city.
And I thought about them as I would dance
them through the town: "I am dancing my life in Vienna."
In that moment, Vienna seemd to be like a waltz to me. I thought about
writing a song about that. Some kind of replay to Suzanne Vega's New York Song. While I was walking I started to sing some
lyrics in the rythm of a waltz:
"Vienna's a grumpy old men, they said. But isn't more like a tiny blue waltz?"
When I came home I took the guitar and started playing and singing the unwritten song.
The guitar arrengment came to me within a few minutes.
But it seemed to me more like a guitar solo piece.
So I stopped thinking about more lyrics but kept the ones I already had as the longest titel
I have ever given to a piece of music so far. And after all, I have to say thanks to Suzanne Vega,
who gave me the inspiration for this song, which has no words except a few ones in the titel.
Copyright © 7/2010 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - classical guitar
BlueWaltz.wma download Song in Medium Quality quality (1 MB)
TinyBlueWaltz.pdf download - Song Transcription
Don't fall in Love
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
"Don't fall in love!", said the comprehension to the burning heart.
"You're just to old, and she's young and far away to make a start."
And so the heart tried to forget
about the things that she had said,
Tried not to see her deep dark eyes
Tried to forget her charming smiles
"Don't lose yourself in a fantasy that you'd be good for her!"
"No, I won't do, I know I'm not the one although I wish I were."
And so the heart tried to forget
And thought of sky diving instead
Tried to forget the way she walked
Tried not to kiss her while she talked
Oh, I'm on fire
I'm beating fast, I'm beating higher
Oh my desire
for these dark eyes, I can't deny her
Oh, I'm on fire
I think I can't forget her
"Shall I believe what the fucking comprehension has told me?
How could I leave without telling her what she meant to me?
And so now all that I can do
is singing this song just for you
I'll kiss you through a light blue note
And touch the words that you once wrote
Oh, I'm on fire...
"Don't fall in love!", said the comprehension to the burning heart.
"You're just to old, and she's young and far away to make a start."
And so the heart tried to forget
about the things that she had said,
Tried not to see her deep, dark eyes
Tried to forget her charming smiles
"Don't fall in love,
Don't fall in love,
No, don't fall in love!"
But the heart could not resist
and it fell in love with her
Copyright © 08/2010 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, guitar
DonTfallInLove.mp3 download Song in Medium Quality quality (not available yet)
Burning Out
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
He makes me cry, his ex-wife died
But he says he's alright
Her pains are over and their daughter
spent with her her last night
I start to see, I realize
I'm not the only one
who is in trouble with his life
who thinks good times are gone
I'm up before the sun is rising
Although I worked all night
I should be sleeping,
I should be dreaming
And I should hold you tight
I'm burning out
Oh, oh, I'm burning out
Oh, oh, I'm burning out
They stay at work from 8 to 8
for a dollar and a dime
The management says they are lazy
They should work extra time
They're up before the sun is rising
Although they worked all night
They should be sleeping,
they should be dreaming
And they should feel all right
They're burning out
Oh, oh, they're burning out
Oh, oh, they're burning out
Another fall is coming
to blow old leaves away
And in cold winter nights
we'll dream of days in May
I start to see, I realize
I'm not the only one
who is in trouble with his life
who thinks good times are gone
I'm up before the sun is rising
Although I worked all night
I should be sleeping,
I should be dreaming
And I should hold you tight
I'm burning out
Oh, oh, I'm burning out
Oh, no, I won't burn out!
Copyright © 10/2010 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano, electric guitar, synth double bass, drum programming
BurningOut.mp3 download Song in Medium Quality quality (6 MB)
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
White snow's covering the street
You see traces of their feet
Are they lonely
while they're going?
White snow's covering the streets
A Gipsy maid sings her sad songs in front a store
Hopeful eyes tell all about the things she's longing for
Snowflakes fall down,
twanging all around my head
Winter's greeting me
I start smiling,
childhood comes to say hello
Once upon a time
Winter's greeting me
And once in the winter time
We were searching for a rhyme
We were smiling
We were sighing
And once in the winter time
We found poems behind our doors
Songs came to tell all about what we where longing for
Snowflakes fall down,...
Beside a candle light
and tea that smells like childhood days
Some memories come back to me
The book of fairy tales
the girl with matches in the haze
and secret nights with dreams of thee
nights with dreams of thee
Snowflakes fall down,...
And once in the winter time
We were searching for a rhyme
In the winter time
Copyright © 12/2010 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano
Winter.mp3 download Song in Medium Quality quality (not available yet)
A klanes Stickl Glick
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Månche san Träuma
Månche håm Räuma
Månche de låchn immazua
Månche san ealich
Månche entbealich
Månche, de sehnan sich a Lebn lång nach Rua
Sie sehnan sich a Lebn lång nach Rua
Månche san Dichta
Månche zöhln Lichta
Månche, de schåffn's niama mea
Månche san Denka
Åndare "Benka"
Månche, de sitzn gean am Strånd und schaun aufs Mea
Sie sitzn gean am Strånd und schaun aufs Mea
Und ålle wolln lebn
mit Nehman und mit Gebn
Ålle wolln a a bissal Glick
Ålle wolln lebn
ihr Heaz an wås vagebn
Ålle wolln a a bissal Glick
Jå, jeda wüll a klanes Stickl Glick
Månche san einsåm
Månche genügsåm
Månche, de nehman's mit Humoa
Månche san sea gscheid
Månche wolln Freicheit
Månche azöhln so gean wi's fria amål woa
Sie azöhln so gean wi's fria amål woa
Und ålle wolln lebn...
Månche san weise
Månche eha leise
Månche, de hakln Tåg und Nåcht
Månche san gmiatlich
Månche empfindlich
Månche san liab, sodass dei Heaz nua springt und låcht
Si san so liab, dass dei Heaz springt und låcht
I bin sea belesn
und bin afolgreich gwesen
Doch warum fühl i mi dånn so lea?
I håb da net zuagheat
Vielleicht a nua aus Feigheit
Doch i schwöa da so bin i jetzan wiaklich niama mea
I schwöa da so bin i niama mea
Wal jetz wüll i lebn
mit Nehman und mit Gebn
I wüll jetzan a bissal Glick
Und i wüll lebn
mei Heaz an was vagebn
I wüll hålt a a bissal Glick
Ja, i wüll a klanes Stickl Glick
Copyright © 3/2011 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano
AklanesSticklGlick.mp3 download Song in Medium Quality quality (not available yet)
Blue Eyes Waltz
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Although they fall
Although they die
I will keep smiling 'cause I've seen your blue eyes
I won't give up 'cause you gave me your smiles
When I get lost
When I'm afraid
I just remember the glance of your blue eyes
Blue like the ocean I long for your smiles
And we will dance
Night after secret night
And we'll forget
Pain through this waltz
Perecen en agua
Perecen en luz
A pesar del desastre voy a reìr
Porque he visto tus ojos que brillan en azul
en noches secretas
Entre el vals
saldrà la pena
Sie valian sich im Wåssa
Sie valian sich im Licht
Trotz dem Desasta wiad mei Lächln dåbleibm
i denk anfåch åns Blau und den Glånz deina Augn
Tånzn wean wia
hamlich in jeda Nåcht
Schmeaz wiad vagehn
im Dreiviatltakt
Copyright © 3/2011 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano
BlueEyesWaltz.mp3 download Song in Medium Quality quality (3.6 MB)
The Last I See
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
What will be the last I see
when I'll leave this world?
Will it be a field of green
where the sun itself asserts?
What will be the last I hear
when I'll fade away?
Will it be the blackbird's song
at the end of day?
Will there be time to say goodbye
to all the ones I've loved?
Will there be time to say thank you
for all the things I've loved?
Will there be time just to realize?
Will there be time for wisdom to arise?
What will be the last I smell
when I will have to go?
Will it be warm summer rain
that comes to make plants grow?
What will be the last I feel
when I will have to go?
Will it be the happiness
that we used to know?
Will there be time to say goodbye
to all the ones I've loved?
Will there be time to say thank you
for all the things I've loved?
Will there be time just to realize?
Will there be time for wisdom to arise?
I will try to love as long as I live
Maybe this is all that I can give
I will try to smile as long as I live
Maybe this is all that I can give
What will be the last I see
when I will leave this world?
Will it be slender girl
with her shortest skirt on?
Will she come to comfort me
with a gentle smile?
Will I then forget about
that it's my final while?
Will there be time to say goodbye...
I will try to love as long as I live
Maybe this is all that I can give...
What will be the last I feel
when I will close my eyes?
Will it be just final love
longing for your smiles?
Copyright © 4/2011 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano, synth-organ, bass, drum-programming
TheLastIsee.mp3 download Song in Medium Quality quality (12 MB)
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Where are you looking at
with these grey eyes?
Are you still here
with us to watch the sun in the blue sky?
Are you still here
to hear the silent words of our goodbyes?
Are you still here with us?
What are you thinking of
in that last fall?
Are you still here
to recognize the presence of as all?
Are you still here
or did you have to follow a last call?
Are you still here with us?
Time to forget about
all ancient strifes!
Time to retain
the memories and fragments of our lives
Time to stay calm
and peace and wisdom somehow will run rife
We're fragments in this world
Oh, we are fragments in this world
Copyright © 24-25/9/2011 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano
Fragments.mp3 not available yet (6.5 MB)
More than Gold (Lullaby)
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
One and one and one is three
Who would count four more?
Close your eyes and soon you'll see
Dreams you're longing for
Some count money until they're old
Greed steals all their time
But it just takes love over gold
To find a happy rhyme
R: Oh, it's time to sleep
So count your final sheep
Oh, my heart has told
You're much more worth than gold
Much more worth than gold
I love you more than gold
Herbs and water can be tea
If you just add some heat
So don't allow your heart to freeze
It's empathy it needs
"I" and "scream" can be "ice-cream"
Like "4" and "u" "for you"
So find out what it all can mean
If you confuse it, too
The earth moves all around the sun
The church will not deny
So seasons go and seasons come
Like we are born and die
Cuando cuentas muchos cuentos
Cuantós cuentos cuentas?
Cada lengua que sabemos
tiene trabalenguas
R: O, cierra tus ojos
Espera tus sueños
O, mi corazón contó
Tu vales mas que oro
Tú vales mas que oro
Te quiero mas que oro
And it just takes love over gold
to let your heart unfold
Meah als Gold (Wiegnlied)
Ans und ans und ans is drei
Wea zöhlt noch bis via?
Kum, schliaß die Augn und schlåf schnöll ein
A Traum kummt dånn zu dia
Månche zöhln dauand nua Göld
Die Gia frisst iahre Zeit
Doch Liebe braucht's vül meah als Gold
zum Lebn in Heitakeit
R: Schliaß die Augn und schlåf
Kum, zöhl dei letztes Schåf
Mei Heaz håt vazöhlt
Du bist meah weat als Gold
Jå, vül meah weat als Gold
I måg di meah als Gold
Kamülln und Wåssa wean zu Tee
Wenn ma des Gånze kocht
Dei Heaz soll niamåls gfrian wia Schnee
I hoff, dass es oft låcht
"Stud" und "Entn" san "Studentn"
Wia "Kinn" und "da" "Kinda"
Bedeitung kånnst du gånz schnöll wendn
Vawechsln kånnst du a
Rund um die Sun draht sich die Wölt
Die Kiachn sågt des stimmt
Die Jåhreszeitn wechsln schnöll
So wia des Lebn varinnt
"I" and "scream" can be "ice-cream"
Like "4" and "u" "for you"
So find out what it all can mean
If you confuse it, too
R: Oh, it's time to sleep
So count your final sheep
Oh, my heart has told
You're much more worth than gold
Much more worth than gold
I love you more than gold
Und Liebe braucht's vül meah als Gold
Dånn is des Glick dia hold
Copyright © 12/2011 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano
MoreThanGold.mp3 not available yet (6.5 MB)
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
When you cry
don't cry for me
'cause I'm as happy,
as happy as can be so can't you see
although you're gone
I'm smiling 'cause I've got the blues
When you weep
don't weep for me
'cause I'm so happy ,
as happy as can be
although you're gone
I'm smiling 'cause I've got the blues
I remember
when we were lovers
we had so many things to laugh about
but now these days of mutual smiles are gone
we're on our own
When you smile
just smile with me
and we'll be happy,
as happy as can be
and we won't cry
'cause we'll know that we'll find the blues
I'm smiling 'cause I've got the blues
I'm smiling 'cause I've got the blues
I'm smiling 'cause I've got the blues
Copyright © 01/2012 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, electric-guitar
smiling.mp3 not available yet (6.5 MB)
On the Run
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
The clouds are too red
after that last sunset
blackbirds sing songs
to which my heart belongs
I go down, down on my knees
to hear they are perfectly neat
'though I'm on the run
I'm on the run
I'm standing still
like a tree on the hill
but my thoughts move fast
through our mutual past
I go down, down on my knees
to recall it was perfectly neat
But now I'm on the run
I'm on the run
Do you remember
those days in December,
when you just rushed in
with that smell on your skin?
I went down, down on my knees
to find you were perfectly neat
'though you were on the run
You're on the run
Is it enough
to read news 'bout big stuff,
while we don't know
our neighbour's fears and sorrows?
I go down, down on my knees
to thank that I am able to breeze
'though I'm on the run
I'm on the run
The clouds are too red
after that last sunset
blackbirds sing songs
to which my heart belongs
I go down, down on my knees
to hear they are perfectly neat
'though I'm on the run
I'm on the run
Copyright © 02/2012 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano
OnTheRun.mp3 not available yet (6.5 MB)
Try and Catch the Light (like Donovan tried and cought the wind)
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
I wish I was a small seashell
on a white sea strand
And if you found me there one day
You'd keep me in your hand
I wish I was a soft sound wave
travelling through space
Invisible I'd find your rooms
embracing all your grace
But I may as well try
and catch the light
I wish I was a paragraph
in your favourite book
And in some quiet moments then
you'd give me a straight look
I wish I was the only "A"
in your alphabet soup
I'd pass your lips to spin around
in an endless loop
But I may as well try
and catch the light
I wish I was a tiny thought
deep inside your mind
And in some thoughtless moment then
it's me whom you could find
In fact I wish I was myself
when I'd be around with you
I love the way you smile and move
Will you once see me, too?
But I may as well try
and catch the light
Copyright © 03/2012 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, electric-guitar
not available yet (6.5 MB)
Last Dance of the Night
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Another spring is following another winter
to show how fast our life-times fly
The universe is growing fast to fade out after all
Tonight let's watch the starry sky
And just in case that there will come some rain
Let's sing this song of pure delight
And just in case that we won't meet again
Let's dance the last dance of the night
We have been on mutual ways, we have been very far
So we, we can not complain
I look back with thankfulness, I guess we have been blessed
I know our friendship will remain
And just in case that there will come some rain
Let's sing this song of pure delight
And just in case that we won't meet again
Let's dance the last dance of the night
Maybe we will keep on going on some mutual tracks
If not, we must not be sad
'Cause we have had our good and bad times, we have been so lucky
We'll keep all that we have said
And just in case that there will come some rain
Let's sing this song of pure delight
And just in case that we won't meet again
Let's dance the last dance of the night
Let's dance the last dance
Let's dance the last dance
The last dance of the night
Let's dance the last dance
Copyright © 04/2012 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, electric-guitars, e-piano, bass, drums
LastDanceOfTheNight.mp3 Download song in medium quality (3.5 MB)
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
A Zaubara der zaubat
weiße Håsn aus an Huat
Elefåntn auf da Bühne
Nua a Spruch, schon san si fuat
Und i, i kånn net zauban
wal i glaub net mea darån
Vülmea zaubats mi duachs Lebn
ohne dass i's steian kånn
Als Kind då woa i a
a großa Magia
I bin gflogn hoch und gschwind
I woa schnölla als da Wind
Und in meina Zaubawölt
woa i a Höld
Irgndwån hab i des ålls valeant, I was net meah
wia's Zauban geht und wia ma fliagt hoch übam Mea
Doch I sig di, i hea di, i brauch net meah
I riach di, I gspia di, wås brauch i meah?
Da schenste Zauber den i kenn
is wenn du låchst füa mi
A Zaubara der zaubat
weiße Taubn aus an Huat
Jungfraun auf da Bühne
Nua a Spruch, schon schwebn si fuat
A ohne großa Zaubarei
is die Wölt oft kompliziat
So måncha stolpert, laft Gefoa,
dass er sich schwea valiat
Als Kind woa måncha a
a großa Magia
Und is gflogn hoch und gschwind
und woa schnölla als da Wind
Und in seina Zaubawölt
woa ea a Höld
Irgndwån hab i des ålls valeant, I was net meah
wia's Zauban geht und wia ma fliagt hoch übam Mea
A Zaubara der zaubat
weiße Håsn aus an Huat
Elefåntn auf da Bühne
Nua a Spruch, schon san si fuat
Copyright © 05/2012 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano, bass, drum programming
Zauban.wma download Song in Medium Quality quality (2 MB)
Seldom Treasures
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Venus has passed by
right in front the sun
Did she leave some love behind
or is love on the run?
And will greed kill
this waning star?
Hundred and five years
we will have to wait
for the next transit of Venus
but I won't lose my faith
Your smiles approve me
to believe
Financial markets
fix the golden rules
But it takes love over gold,
to leave this way of fools
I just believe in
you and me
The more I'm observing
the less I want to know
I just start to realize
it's you with whom I grow
The smiles you smile
can make my days
Copyright © 06/2012 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano
SeldomTreasures.mp3 download Song in Medium Quality quality (2.7 MB)
"The Immigrant"
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
The journey lasted longer
Longer than we had been told
We have lost two to the water
The sea had been too cold
Now I'm here in this new country
For which I've spent all that I had
My old world is far away now
I'm trying not to be too sad
I thought I'd come to Barcelona
But now I'm stranded in Càdiz
Where I can't find some work or money
They've got a financial decease
Their language is so different
I can hardly get a word
The only sound I understand so far
Is a song that I have heard:
Lejana tierra mìa
Espero què pienses en mì
Una vez voy a volver
Mientras cantarè por ti
Lejana tierra mìa
Què no me olvides
Una vez voy a volver
para tocarte otra vez
In between a million strangers
I begin to lose my faith
Some people really tried to help me
But still illegal is my state
My friend the moon is going down
To the ocean 'til it's gone
I wonder shall I do the same
Or shall I stay and sing this song?
Lejana tierra mìa
Espero què pienses en mì
Una vez voy a volver
Mientras cantarè por ti
Lejana tierra mìa
Què no me olvides
Una vez voy a volver
para tocarte otra vez
Copyright © Càdiz 8/2012 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - voz, guitarra
TheImmigrant.wma download Song in Medium Quality quality (1.4 MB)
"Nanga Parbat"
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Am Nanga Parbat wer i niamåls stehn
So hoch kennt i net gehn
Doch wenn i duat war denkat i ån di
Und des beschützat mi
Am Nanga Parbat is nix wia's daham is
Wal i di vamiss
Da Wind beziarzt di "Kum leg di hin im Schnee!"
"Schlaf ein dånn tramst gånz schen!"
Obn im Schnee
anefiazig Stundn gånz allan
Im Stehn duach di Nåcht
friarend denk i fest an di daham
A Stan von gånz obn
der hålt mi wåch wal er keat dia
Am Nanga Parbat gehn Eislawienen åb
Doch mi vaföhln sie knåpp
Füa månche wår da "nåckte Berg" zu schwea
A Weg ohne Rückkeha
Obn im Schnee
Am Nanga Parbat wer i niamåls stehn
So hoch kennt i net gehn
Doch wenn i duat war denkat i ån di
Und des beschützat mi
Copyright © 8/2012 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano, , drums, bass, electric guitar
NangaParbat.mp3 download Song in Medium Quality quality (4.2 MB)
"Fade Away"
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Someone might say your hair's too long
To go with fashion can not be wrong
And violent thoughts like using shot guns
may bewitch you like sweet poison
But I prefer to watch the red sun
diving into the horizon
And all the troubles then
will fade away
Someone might spoil your sunny day
For greedy reasons he blocks your way
And violent thoughts like using shot guns
may bewitch you like sweet poison
But I prefer to watch the red sun
diving into the horizon
I smile 'cause I know once
he'll fade away
And when the sun is not enough
I recall your smiles that made me laugh
And I'm released, I'm falling through your eyes
You're saving me from sunset to sunrise
Someone might try to bring you down
Driven by hatred he wears a frown
And violent thoughts like using shot guns
may bewitch you like sweet poison
But I prefer to watch the red sun
diving into the horizon
The smiles you smile for me
won't fade away
Copyright © 10/2012 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano, drums, trumpets
FadeAway.mp3 download Song in Medium Quality quality (2.7 MB)
"The Gypsy of Your Song"
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Riding on a sunny road
underneath blue skies
the music tape from a Greek fair
lets your voice arise
the airflow and your sound waves meld
to touch me deep inside
something starts to grow and flow
that once I have denied
Feeling free in solitude
right in front the sea
the highway leads our car away
from things I used to be
the graduation's far behind
Calypso's call is strong
I close my eyes, I wish I was
the gypsy of your song
I wrote another night vision
where grandma says goodbye
where liquid language covers me
to look me in the eye
26 years later now
I can still recall
the words you sang not just for me
I see them on the wall
we're lovers of some waves of air
to which our hearts belong
I close my eyes, I wish I was
the gypsy of your song
Copyright © 3/2013 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano, drum-programming, bass, keyboards, guitars
This song refers to Suzanne Vega's song "Gypsy" (Album "Solitude Standing", Suzanne Vega, 1987) and cites small parts of the melody and base line.
TheGypsyOfYourSong.mp3 download Song in Medium Quality quality (10 MB)
"So Hello"
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
You might ask what's going on there?
There on the stage with the guy with blond hair
You might ask, "What the hell does he do?
His guitar howls like a wolf in the zoo."
You might ask, "Does he wanna be cool?"
"The overdrive is a much too loud tool!"
You might ask, "Is this all out of tune?"
"Just like a dog howling straight to the moon."
But I've got something you should know
I sing it loud, I sing it low
Yes, I've got something you should know
So hello! Welcome to the show!
I'm gonna sing about everything
Some songs are loud and some comforting
Some might be sad, but we'll try not to cry
We're here for fun, so let your hearts fly
And I've got something you should know
I sing it loud, I sing it low
Yes, I've got something you should know
So hello! Welcome to the show!
Copyright © 4/2013 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, electric guitars, bass, drums
SoHello.mp3 download Song in Medium Quality quality (not available yet)
"Natural High"
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
some days can be so mad
they can bring you down
they cause you to get sad
like a lonesome clown
I've got one thing or two
that helps me in that case
I just think about you
and our mutual days
clouds fly away
they're on the run
No storm will stay
you make it undone
'Cause you're my natural high
that clears away my low
something in your sigh
lets satisfaction grow
you blow away the dark, dark clouds
I tell this to the crowds
Let's share our days of happiness
with everyone who cares
I believe that you believe in me
let's share our days of happiness
with everyone who cares
Oh, I believe that you believe in me
Some nights are dark and grey
And nightmares make you cry
A smart-ass starts to pray
And you just wonder why
I've got one thing or two...
Copyright © 5/2013 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano, bass, drums
NaturalHigh.mp3 download Song in Medium Quality quality (15MB)
"On and On"
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Rivers are deep and mountains are high
wide is the ocean, blue is the sky
Can't you see?
Light from the stars is reaching our eyes
The moon and the sun let the saltwater rise
And we are just here while lifetime just flies
Can't you see?
Thrown into life with different skills
Some can't survive, some reach the top of the hills
Can't you see?
First we are children, and then we grow old
Some are quite lucky, some are ripped of and sold
Some long for power, some for smooth hands to hold
Can you see?
And on and on the world goes round
It's you to whom my heart is bound
And on and on I need to smile
Just stay with me another while
And on and on I'll sing these songs
To show to whom my heart belongs
And on and on I wonder why
I'm blessed with luck I'm blessed to fly
And on and on and on and on I see
The world's for you and me
Dark matter rules the whole universe
Like you rule my songs, every note, every verse
Can you hear?
Some don't believe that sound waves can heal
They don't spend time to explore what they feel
They're running like hamsters 'til they die in the wheel
full of fear
And on and on the world goes round...
Copyright © 6/2013 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano, strings, brass section, drums
OnAndOn.mp3 download Song in Medium Quality quality (11 MB)
Of Bears and Dogs
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Even though you are not here
Your different songs are all around
I hope you could go without fear
And calming peace you may have found
Oh, my tears will fade away
Oh, a memory will stay
I'll smile with every X-mas song 'cause in my mind I'll hear
you cheering up the holy child to have another beer
Black and white bears may be friends
The neighbour's dog may bark in vain
Grief begins where one life ends
But finally memories remain
Oh, my tears will fade away
Silent talks in silent woods
have shown me silently some silent doubts
oh, your silent doubts
But I never would have thought
that such a news would reach our little crowd
Oh, our little crowd
Even though you are not here
Your different songs are all around
I hope you could go without fear
And calming peace you may have found
Oh, my tears will fade away
Oh, a memory will stay
I'll smile with every X-mas song 'cause in my mind I'll hear
you cheering up the holy child to have another beer
Copyright © 9/2013 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, acoustic guitar
OfBearsAndDogs.mp3 download Song in Medium Quality quality
Sin Palabras
Music by Markus Lorber
Copyright © 12/2013 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - piano
SinPalabras.mp3 (version nueava) download Song in Meadium Quality quality (1.4 MB)
SinPalabras.pdf (nuevo) download - Song Transcription
SinPalabras.mp3 download Song in Medium Quality quality (1.4 MB)
SinPalabras.pdf download - Song Transcription
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Time stands still beside black holes
Could this prevent bad things from growing?
I'd give everything I own
to bring a black hole to your home
Some say this can't be done but others do believe
As long as you are here I won't give up and grief
Don't think you're running out of time
Don't think you're running out of time
While the universe expands
we are still here and we are friends
Once when we were young we rode
our bicycles downhill steep roads
If we drove faster now at the speed of light
dilatation of our time would bring some hope in sight
So we would get some extra time
So we would get some extra time
I could imagine well a world without myself
But I can't stand the pain to lose another friend
I could imagine well a world without myself
But I can't stand the pain to lose another friend
You are my friend
Time stands still beside black holes
Could this prevent bad things from growing?
I'd give everything I own
to bring a black hole to your home
Some say this can't be done but others do believe
As long as you are here I won't give up and grief
Don't think you're running out of time
Don't think you're running out of time
You are a friend of mine
until the end of time
Copyright © 2/2014 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, electric guitars, bass, drum-programming
Time.mp3 download Song in Meadium Quality quality (12)
Secret Signs
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Even when it's dark
and dire pain swamps all our days
I won't stop to hark
to all the hidden things of grace
I won't give up believing
in you and me
I won't give up receiving
secret signs of love that set us free
In the darkest haze
where no saving light's in sight
Smiling I'll embrace
our tiny world in pure delight
I won't give up believing...
I'll keep on smiling, keep on finding
stars in the deep sky
Keep on laughing, keep on singing
songs and don't ask why
Even when the world seems to go down
Even when the world seems to go down
At the end of time
I guess would not be too sad
I'd be thankful then
for all the luck of life I had
I won't give up believing...
I'll keep on smiling, keep on finding...
Some might say that I'm a dreamer
who ignores the ugly truth
But I'd say it's so much better
to dream than to be bruised
Oh, I'll never stop to dream
At the end of time
I will find the final rhyme
Copyright © 3/2014 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano, bass, drum-programming
SecretSigns.mp3 download Song in Meadium Quality quality
Rain (Hold On)
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Like a clockwork from another time
April rain on the roof starts to rhyme
Hold on! Can you hear the song
the rain tries to sing on and on?
Every raindrop is following rules
like we follow the traces of fools
Hold on! Can you hear the song
the rain tries to sing on and on?
Words of pain everyone once received
Words of love in which we believed
Words of wisdom that nobody knows
Words of peace that silently grows
Hold on! Can you hear the song
the rain tries to sing on and on?
Words of feelings that once made us smiling
Words for you that I used to sing
Words of ancients who we never knew
Words of memories that remind me of you
Hold on! Can you hear the song
the rain tries to sing on and on?
Like a clockwork from another time
April rain on the roof starts to rhyme
Hold on! Can you hear the song
the rain tries to sing on and on?
Hold on to hear the rain
Copyright © 4/2014 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano, chello
Rain.mp3 download Song in Meadium Quality quality
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
She is no beauty
She's very shy
But she's such a cutie
her smile lets you sigh
Nobody sees her
Nobody cares
But she's a believer
who silently dares
And I wonder why
she's on my side
'Cause I can't deny
I'm foolish with pride
I'm just a loser
trying to be cool
But she's a believer
who lets calmness rule
I'm such a loser
on a small isle
And she's my believer
who gives me her smile
She is no beauty
She's very shy
But she's such a cutie
her smile lets you sigh
Nobody sees her
Nobody cares
But she's a believer
who silently dares
Copyright © 6/2014 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, piano, synth-alto-saxophone
Wallflower.mp3 download Song in Medium Quality quality (8 MB)
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Vom Perseus schwenk i
hin zum Bogn den Andromeda beschreibt
då soll sie sein, die nächste Galaxie
Im Fernglås taucht a klana,
schwåcha, triaba Lichtfleck auf
M31, doch i denk nua ån di.
I flew to New York
to watch the highest buildings over there
to talk about science and noise reduction, too
I found some music somewhere
hidden in some hidden place
but after all I just think about you
Andalucìa y sus guitarras flamencas
seràn otra destinaciòn
tambièn seràn otra inspiraciòn
Aunque no dejarè de pensar en ti
Vom Perseus schwenk i
hin zum Bogn den Andromeda beschreibt
då soll sie sein, die nächste Galaxie
Im Fernglås taucht a klana,
schwåcha, triaba Lichtfleck auf
M31, doch i denk nua ån di
I found some music somewhere
hidden in some hidden place
but after all I just think about you
Aunque no dejarè de pensar en ti
Andromeda, doch i denk nua ån di
Copyright © 8/2014 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, electric guitar, bass, accordion, drum-programming
Andromeda.mp3 download Song in Medium Quality quality (10MB)
I geh jetz ham
Music & Lyrics by Markus Lorber
Ans, zwa, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, siebn
Warat i daham gebliebn
warat i nit då bei dia
und du warst a nit bei mia
A, b, c, d, e, f, g
trink ma jetz vielleicht an Tee?
Und dabei kennat ma redn
üba irgndwås oda Schedn
Des warat schen
Lås ma's geschehn
A, b, c, d, e, f, g
would you sing some songs with me?
Some for lovers, some for friends
and while we sing let's clap our hands
What a surprise
Wouldn't this be nice?
Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco
¿Sabes que es un gran ginkgo?
Yo no sè, me da igual
Cantamos en voz nasal
¿Vez cómo es?
Canta otra vez
Sechs mål sechs is sechsedreißig
heite wårma wieda fleißig
Tät ma jetz noch weitasingan
bräucht ma Reime de guat klingan
I geh jetz ham
Låss di allan
Copyright © 9/2014 M. Lorber
Markus Lorber - vocals, electric guitar, bass, accordion, drum-programming
IgehJetzHam.mp3 not available yet (10MB)